Review of our Charge and Prior Work
2 prior meetings
- Introductory meeting 12/16/2019
- Last meeting (1/21/2020) was brief
- Formalized plan to prioritize & complete the White Paper
- SSOA Working Group just formed
- Preliminary Outline for White Paper shared
Under the auspices of the University Library Committee, the Senate Sub-Committee on Open Access is charged by the Provost and the University Senate to undertake an investigation into [1] the state of open access trends and practices and [2] the role they play in the process of research and the dissemination of scholarly resources and works at the University of Oregon. Within this context and as a case study, the Committee should also [3] examine the nature of the University Libraries’ relationship and contract with Elsevier to [4] suggest options to inform the renegotiation process before the current agreement sunsets in December 2020.
- An overview of the current landscape of open access trends and practices in the area of scholarly communication and publishing
- An analysis of the role that open access plays in research and the dissemination of scholarly resources and works at the UO
- Overview of options for renegotiating the library’s contract with Elsevier
- Recommended next steps to further the discussion and adoption of open access at the University of Oregon
Several meetings of the SSOA Working Group
Extensive progress on our White Paper
- Very thorough documentation of key issues across OA landscape
- “Wrangling” Informative statistics about OA at UO
- More work needed, editing, additional formatting, etc.
- Executive Summary planned but not yet begun
- Additional topics: Senate, Elsevier
Strategy and Timeline
1 + 2: White Paper to inform stakeholders about [1] state of open access trends and practices and [2] role in dissemination of scholarly resources at UO.
3: Re UO Libraries’ relationship and contract with Elsevier (as an example)
4: Re suggestions of options to inform renegotiations:
- seek stakeholder input on recommendations
- submit White Paper and recommendations by June 10, 2020
- Preliminary recommendations to consider:
- renew SSOA or similar body to carry forward OA work
- “presidential policy”/mandate for OA
- renewable source of funds to subsidize OA publishing (APCs)
- OA/OER incentives for faculty
Proposed Timeline
All dates are tentative
- SSOA Working Group completes full draft of White Paper
Friday, February 28, 2020
- Target date to circulate draft to SSOA [and the ULC & OAAG]
Monday, March 2, 2020
- Target date for next SSOA Meeting [schedule through Abigail]
SSOA feedback on draft of White Paper
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
- Summary of Aims and Progress to University Senate
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 3:00 pm
- Spring Term Begins
Monday, March 30, 2020
- SSOA delivers draft of White Paper to stakeholders
Monday, April 6, 2020
- Deliverables to Senate
White Paper and Recommendations
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
[Group discussion about the stakeholders to approach led to several suggestions:
Grad Student Council, Senate Executive Committee, Provost’s Office.]
Outreach Suggestions
- Around the O
- Flyers or postcards to be distributed through campus events
- A faculty lounge event in April/May
- Request opportunities to present/speak at departmental meetings
- Possibly invite an outside speaker (unpaywalled)
- Digital outreach (website content, including a video, etc.)
Development of Recommendations
[Seek input and iterate during feedback and educational outreach stage]