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Review of SSOA Progress to Date

  • The White Paper was completed at the end of Winter Term (March 2020)
  • Revisions are still being incorporated and more input is welcome
  • The current draft of the White Paper has been posted on the SSOA website as of today. New versions will be posted when ready.
  • A presentation about the SSOA’s charge and progress to date was made to the University Senate on March 10th. A follow-up presentation will occur before the end of the academic year.

Discussion of Digital Outreach

  • The goal of digital outreach is to increase attention to the White Paper and the goals of the SSOA. Some of the planned outreach is no longer viable as a consequence of shelter-in-place restrictions.
  • The SSOA Working Group has overseen the creation of a video short emphasizing the importance of Open Access on campus (to be completed in April 2020).
  • Various other strategies were also discussed including the pursuit of coverage in ATO, the possible creation of additional video content emphasizing the advantages of OA to scholarly research, and the prospect of tapping into existing communication channels among the Senate membership and other stakeholder groups.

Interaction among SSOA members between now and the next meeting

  • The next meeting of the full subcommittee is set for May 11th (2 pm).
  • Given the outreach aims, it was agreed that more regular correspondence among members would be helpful.